Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Quito Rush

It always amazes me how many people you can get on a bus in Quito.

The sign at the front of the bus say maximum capacity 40 sitting and 44 standing.

At 6:30 in the morning, with all the students heading to school, and workers heading to work, finding a bus that is not crowded is, well, impossible.

Today, a bus on the route I needed slowed just enough for me to hop on. Now, I couldn't hop IN because the bus was too crowded. All I could do was stand in the open bus door, toes perched on the bottom step, both hands grasping in white knuckled fear to the hand grips while I dangled out of the bus. Fortunately, I spent only four blocks bouncing about outside the bus and dodging street signs. Then the bus stopped and a few souls departed the bus, enough that I could enjoy the luxury of actually standing in the second step of the door.


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