Thursday, October 19, 2006

New Opportunities in Ecuador!

Our English classes for the Air Traffic Controllers in Guayaquil are going well. We have one more week before we finish the current cycle and I’m rushing to get everything done with my students. It is amazing to me how hard they work. The ATCs in Ecuador do a difficult and very important job in managing the airways over Ecuador. Most also have second jobs to help their family, plus they are required to take these mandatory English classes. This is a hard-working bunch.

One thing Lisa and I have been working hard at, are developing more English classes. Our contract here for Guayaquil goes through April 07. But we want to stay longer, so we have been working at trying to get more English classes going so that we’ll have an income we can stay on.

Well the first step is coming through. We have a group of teenage boys, some of whom are going to the US and Canada next year on student exchange programs. Monday we start a conversational English class with them to help get them ready for living in North America. Hopefully, these additional classes will lead to more opportunities. At least we hope!


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