Sunday, September 03, 2006

Colombia Part I - Guayaquil to Quito

Well, our first 8-week iteration is over and we had our one-week break until the next set starts. That means: Teachers go away!

Lisa and I took advantage of an all-inclusive getaway package with Decameron Resorts and headed north to Colombia. What a trip! It had good times but some awfully irritating points, too!

It started off with the normal ills of international transportation. Our initial flight was a normal Sunday hop from Guayaquil, where we live, to Quito. This little 40-minute flight was reasonably uneventful, thank God! With the volcano erupting in Ecuador the past few months the various ash clouds have raised havoc with airways. This day was no problem and away we jetted.

Then we land and meet Travis and we run out to spend a few hours with the Smith’s. Linda and Travis are fellow expats, although they are Canadians, not United Staters like us. Still, norteamericanos, right? We’d met when we shared the same hostel in Quito, and kept in touch ever since. We had a layover from 10:00am to 5:00 p.m. so we hopped over to their beautiful apartment in Quito. Linda was under the weather, so we didn’t do too much… just talked, and had some delicious burgers. Linda mixed them (not bad for a vegetarian!) and Travis grilled them. Then we watched Star Wars III. We had a great time catching up!

Then, back to the airport to muddle through the security procedures for an international flight. There was a big to do when they discovered Lisa’s hypodermics and insulin. We got passed from security official to security official until finally they decided these two middle-aged and overweight estadianses weren’t a threat. Good thing they tell us to arrive early. We needed the time.
Like anything else, with the state of airline security these days, I don’t begrudge them taking the time checking us out. It is a pain, but if it saves keeping one terrorist off a plane I’ll put up with it.


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