Monday, October 23, 2006

End of English Course Confusion

Well, we’re counting the last days for the current session of English Classes. Most of the classes have their final day Wednesday, although my class needs to make up one day we missed, so we go to Thursday. The next set of classes have a big change, so lots of confusion going on.

First of all, we had established that there would be a one-week break between the end of one cycle and the start of a new one. This is partly to give the students a well-earned break, the teachers a well-earned break, and to tidy up the paperwork from one set while preparing for the next.

For me this is most important. We are using a rotating system to offer the various levels of Air Traffic Controller English at one time. There are five total levels, with three levels offered at each time. At each break, the teacher teaching the lowest level rotates up to teach the next highest level, while the other two teachers repeat their classes with new groups as they advance. This time, I’m teaching the lowest group, so next cycle I’ll take over the highest-level students at the final level. I’ll then teach this end-class for three running cycles until the program here in Guayaquil is complete.

And I’m looking forward to the break, so I have sometime to prepare for teaching the new level.

Then the bosses at the Quito DAC said, no, if we want the next cycle of classes finished before the Holidays, then we need to start without a week’s break. None f the student’s liked this. None of the teachers liked this. No matter, we have to do it anyway.

So it goes back and forth a few times so now we are going to have a week’s break but we will have classes on some extra Fridays and Saturdays to make up the missed days.

How can scheduling English Classes be so difficult?

So, anyway, I have a full teaching schedule through Thursday of this week. Then we have a day to get our paperwork and student reports competed. Then we have a week off.

Isn’t that how we started?


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