Sunday, September 03, 2006

Colombia Part 2 - Quito to Cartegena

Our next hop was a charter on Tame Air to Cartegena. We finally arrived a few minutes before 10:00pm and we disgorged down the ramp onto the tarmac. My glasses fogged up from the heat and humidity. The Ecuadorians in our midst were wilting, those from the Sierras… Quito, Ibarra and Riobamba and the like, were dying. Those from Guayaquil or the rest of the coast, like Lisa and I, think it’s a bit warm but okay.

Now we are starting to get cranky because we have a couple hundred people to go through Colombian customs and immigration but they only have two sleepy clerks on duty. It takes forever! After a long day of traveling we are getting cranky. Not a way to start your vacation.

Finally though, we get through and onto the bus to the hotel.


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